Saturday, March 7, 2009

Halona's unite for my dad

The news about my dad spread quickly through our large family on Monday. By Tuesday several family members started making plans to come into town to see my dad. On Wednesday, family started arriving and they kept coming thru Saturday. We had family coming in from Arizona, New Mexico, California, Washington DC and all over Utah. We were all happy and overwhelmed by the outpour of love and support. My dad's parents and all his brothers and sisters came. It's been a VERY long time since they have all been together. Saturday afternoon we had a potluck gathering at my dad's house. We had yummy Muton, Frybread, Beans, Blue Corn Mush, Muton Stew, Tortilla's, sandwiches and different salads. I couldn't believe how many people dropped everything in their own lives to come to Utah and it was SO amazing to see all my family together. After we all ate, my auntie's and uncles told stories that we recorded on tape and video so that we will have them to keep after my dad is gone. So many people spoke and had a chance to tell my dad how much they care for him and what they admire most. It was nice to hear but also difficult. It made the situation more of a reality and I just cried.

Later that night, we hung out with a bunch of my cousins at Iggy's and had tons of fun having more food and laughs. I don't get to see these cousin's very often so I really enjoyed hanging out with them. I didn't have my camera so I'll have to wait for Jax to send me some pics.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

What an amazing thing! That is awesome, the whole family uniting at this time. You have a great and supportive family. Keep your head up, we love you and are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers