Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tahna & Lynzie - BFF 5 yrs!

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's been 5 years since Lynzie and I met while working together at an insurance agency in Orem. It didn't take us long to become friends and soon, best friends, sister's from another mother, BFF's, partner's in crime. "If you're shootin up the place, I'm bringin the bullets". We became "Tahna&Lynzie". One person. The fun girls. You didn't get one without the other and everyone knew it.

We've had our ups and downs throughout the years. We've laughed, we've cried, we've laughed & cried at the same time and all the while we've stuck by each other's side. We've seen each other through everything....changing jobs, losing loved ones, losing boyfriends, family crisis', cancer, losing pets, moving, adopting new pets, weddings, funerals, parties, everything. We've traveled together, gone camping, seen movies in our pajamas and talked on the phone for hours on end. Best times of my life! And 2 years ago I got the privilege to be Lynzie's "Maid of Honor" at her wedding. It was only appropriate since I literally introduced her husband to her and I was there on their very first date.

Lynzie is the bestest friend that anyone could ever hope to find. She's honest, fun and ALWAYS has my back. She brings out the best in me and makes me laugh. It's been wonderful to be a part of her life & family. The Ovard's and Rasmussen's feel like an extended family and I'm so grateful. She's my BFF, shoulder to cry on, supporter, fashion advisor, confidant, and best mate. I can't wait to see what the next 5 yrs have in store for us because here we come! I luv ya baby, cheers to us!!

"Sexy pictures, crazy times, sister's at heart, partner's in crime :)"

1 comment:

Rasmussens said...

That made me cry! Thanks for all the good times! You are the best friend ever!

Luv ya!