Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mama's Day!

Ok, so I know I'm not a real mother in the sense that I haven't endured months of morning sickness, strange cravings, growing belly, wacked out hormones, and finally, several hours of excrutiating pain to bring a human being into this world....but I am a mother who takes care of 2 (or 3 if you count John) boys day in and day out. I am a very proud doggy mama! So even I got to have a mother's day and when I woke up I had presents on the table with an adorable card with Homer and Amos' pictures glued to it and the wording, "Happy Mother's Day Mommy! Will you only use your present when dad is NOT around, that would be very nice. Pppppplease!" They got me Gilmore Girls season 5 & 6! John hates Gilmore Girls more than anything else so this was a real surprise! :0) Thank you boys!! After that, it was quite the whirlwind day. We got ready and took John's parents & sister to brunch at Gardner Village. It was over an hour wait but well worth it. They had a breakfast bar, crepe bar, lunch bar, sushi bar, salad bar and my favorite....chocolate fountain!! After that we went to meet my step-dad and step-mom at a park which was quite nice. We let my nephews and younger step-sister play with the dogs so they had fun. From there we went to my mom's for a little bit before heading to dinner with my mom and siblings. And then we went to my dad and step-mom's for dessert before finally heading home. What a hectic day! It's time consuming during the holiday's to have such a big family, but it also has it's awards. Happy Mother's Day!!

1 comment:

Rasmussens said...

Being a Dog Mommy is hardwork too and VERY fulfilling! Happy Doggy Mommy Day! Puppies need good mommies too :)