Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter & baby tell all

So now that John & I have come to terms with the pregnancy and are actually very happy & excited about it, we decided it's time to tell our families the big news. Since this could very well be our only child, I wanted to do it in a very creative and fun way. And since Sunday was Easter, I thought that would be the perfect day to tell everyone. For my step-dad's family (Kent & Suzanne) and John's family, I made a cute card in the shape of an egg. The top of the egg moved open so when you opened it, it showed a stamp of a baby with the words "To be hatching in October 2009". And for my dad and my mom, I ordered custom fortune cookies with the fortune "We always said never, not even maybe, but it's true, John & Tahna are having a baby" inside.

The plan was to go to my step-dad's first, then my dad's, and then John's parents. Because my mom has been difficult the past few weeks, we didn't tell her until Tuesday. So we went to my step-dad's house first and gave him the card. It took him a while to figure it out and he had to read it again....slowly. His eyes lit up and said "Really?" I nodded my head and he gave me a hug and took the card to Suzanne who read it about 5 times before she got the surprised and happy look on her face that was I expecting. She got so excited and everyone else finally got to hear what the fuss was about and congratulated us. Of course everyone was surprised because I've always said I didn't want kids. But they were all happy.

Then we went to my dad's house and had a 2nd lunch. John & I were supposed to make chinese food, but at the last minute, my brother Michael wanted to have Navajo Tacos because his girlfriend's parents were in town and eating with us. So that kind of put a damper on my plans, but I was not going to postpone my news again. Especially since it was not a great day for my dad as he was exhausted from the day before at the Temple. Usually he will make the effort to eat at the dining table with everyone, but he just couldn't do it today :( He stayed in the living room resting on the couch. After we ate, everyone was in the living room and I handed out the fortune cookies to everyone saying "We were supposed to have Chinese food, but Michael ruined that plan, but here's an Easter fortune for everyone anyway". My oldest brother Shane was the first to read it and immediately got excited and hugged me. Slowly one by one, everyone read the fortune and I tried to keep everyone quiet until my dad got to read his. He was the last to open it and when he read it I started crying. He looked up at me and said "Congratulations girl" (that's what he calls me and my sister's and he says it in his own special tone that is sweet) and I hugged him and cried on his shoulder. I told him I wanted him to be there when the baby's born and he whispered in my ear "I will be". I cried even more knowing in my heart that it was true, but not in the way I truly wanted.

After my dad's we went home to do a doggy easter egg hunt with our boys Amos & Homer J. Then we went to John's parents for dinner. I gave the egg card to his mom who jumped a little in shock and then hugged me in excitement. She gave the card to John's dad who congratulated us in his own gentle and soft way. His smile was priceless :) John's family is a little more quiet and calm than mine. It's probably because there are only four of them (John, his parents and his sister). All of my families are chaotic and loud because there are so many of us. But it's nice to go to the Erickson's because it is calm and relaxing. It was the perfect way to end the day.

(Can you believe I did not have a camera with me. I'm such an idiot. I will post pics of the card and fortune soon)

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