Sunday, October 4, 2009

9 Months & PAST DUE!!

Ok, so I am officially PAST DUE! Yesterday was our little guy's "due date" and he is still not wanting to come out. I don't know what it's going to take to get him to come out, but I hope it's soon. I was done being pregnant about 3 weeks ago. At times it feels like he's ready and things are starting, but then....nothing. He changes his mind and wants to stay inside. John says it's my fault because Halona's are always late. Which I have to admit, is true. This is definately my kid and has native blood running thru his veins because he is apparently running on Indian Time. LOL :) So in the meantime, we are trying to be patient (which isn't working very well), staying busy, going for walks, bouncing on a yoga ball, and trying to relax. I'm taking castor oil in a few minutes to see if that kick starts anything. My little sister said it worked for her. I guess we'll see if it works for me. Cross your fingers!!

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