Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We're having a BOY!!

Today we had our ultrasound to finally find out the sex of our baby. I haven't really had a preference, but John was hoping for a girl. He even picked out a pink outfit, with pink shoes and pink purse for me to wear, just to try and push things in that direction. The pressure has been on to have a girl ever since we told everyone about the baby. I have 9 nephews and no neices. (This is the first grandchild in John's family). So when we heard the words, "It's a baby boy", we were so overwhelmed with emotion looking at the monitor and seeing our baby that we were filled with excitement!! It was one of the most amazing moments of my life :) However, I did make the Dr check 3 times to make sure it really was a boy. So she checked & showed me 3 times and said it's definately a boy. But everything looks good and normal. I am 20 weeks and due October 3rd. The only thing that makes me sad is that my dad isn't here to share the news with. I very much wanted to call him and tell him he's having grandson #10. But it's comforting to know that he is with my baby boy right now :)
Boys 10 - Girls 0 (my family)
Boys 1 - Girls 0 (John's family)
Baby's bum and his "outdoor plumbing" Baby's foot
His body and head


Destini said...

I agree it is one of the most amazing things you will ever go through and even though you never thought you would do I am excited for you to be able to experience it all at least once. Who knows maybe John will decide you guys should try for a girl a little later. Congrats on the healthy baby boy.

Rasmussens said...

I'm SO excited to be an Aunt! I can't wait to start buying and making things for him. Congrats!!!!

Michael and Morgan said...

Tahna! I am so excited for you! Congratultions!!!!! :)

Courtney said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! Your going to be a great mother. Keep us updated!