Friday, July 11, 2008

We found a house!!

615 E Greenwood Ave, Midvale, UT

We FINALLY found a house! After viewing several houses and being very disappointed and discouraged over and over, we finally were able to find a great house in a great location. It's in Midvale, about half way between my work and John's work. It's also close to his parents house, Ft Union shopping center, Harmon's is just down the street, and one of the best points...Marq & Lynzie are moving about 2-3 miles down the street! Now our dogs can play at the park together :)

We move the weekend of the 24th of July and I'm super excited!! Our boys finally get a big yard to run around and play in, we have a double garage for both of our trucks to fit in, there are 2 patio areas in the back, one covered and one not, plus a balcony from our master bedroom. But the greatest part...NO STAIRS!! Ok, I take that back, there's about two steps to get in the house, and there's about 4 steps to get from the living room to the bedrooms. But it's just like having no stairs compared to the million stairs, ok 52, that we have to climb to get to our current place. Needless to say, I'm glad we're moving and I can't wait!!


Destini said...

Wow!!! That is super cool. Sounds great and it looks so big. You guys are going to have so much fun with your own place. Now, you have to have a big house warming party and invite me! :)

Rasmussens said...

I'm SO happy you're moving close our house! YEAH!!! We'll be able to get into SO MUCH more trouble this way :)