Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pizza Birthday Party at work

Last week I had helped one of my clients, Rock Creek Pizza Co., with a huge Workers Comp issue. Long story short, I fixed his problem and he offered us free pizza because I am so awesome! LOL. The timing was perfect, so I took him up on his offer so that we could have a Pizza Birthday Party for me, Destini, Marshall & Karen since we all have our birthday's in February. Mine, Destini's & Marshall's are almost right after each other. Marshall's is the 6th, Destini's is the 7th and mine was the 9th. So Tuesday we got 5 specialty pizzas and drinks for everyone. It was fun just hanging out and the pizza was pretty good. I got some cute birthday cards from Courtney, Christy and Barb. Christy also gave me the cutest Elvis beanie! I love it! Thanks Rock Creek for the pizza!
And yesterday, the 2 producers I work with, Ryan & Darrin took me & my assistant Courtney to lunch at Ruby River for my birthday. Thanks guys!!

1 comment:

Destini said...

That was great to have our free pizza party!! Thanks for being so AWESOME!!!