Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Poor Amos - We need a house

I have loved our apartment that John and I have been living in for the last year and a half. It's our first place together and it's been great. There's a lot of things that I love about our place, but it's time to move on. We need a place with a yard for the boys (Amos and Homer). One of the things we REALLY don't like about our place is that we live on the top 3rd floor and the stairs are getting VERY annoying and are such a pain in the....bum (hehe-that's for you lynz). It makes it difficult to take the boys out as much as they would like. Amos is already a VERY rambunctious boy and is getting restless and sometimes bored. Even though John takes him on a walk everyday, he spends most of his time in the house and will run round and round and round the table, and chasing his own tail. Poor Amos Moses :) We take them to the park every weekend & usually once during the week, but Amos has SO much energy, that he needs to be outside a lot. It's a good thing we are in the process of looking for a house/townhouse and will be out by the end of July!! Just hold on a little longer boys, Mom and Dad are workin on it! However, it is entertaining to watch him run around the table and chase his tail (at least we think so). Just watch....


Destini said...

Those are soooo cute! Ever think of sending them to Americas Funniest Videos-ha ha. Good luck on the house hunt, it's a hard thing to do.

Rasmussens said...

LOL... He is neurotic! :) Poor guy!