Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My new nephew!

Yesterday was an awesome day! My little sister Desiree FINALLY had her baby and I got a new nephew!! Hurley Ryan Raulston was born August 11, 2008. He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19.5 in long. He is my 9th nephew and still no neices. Desiree was in labor for more than 10 hours and pushed for almost 2 long hours to bring her little man into this world. But it was all worth it. He is the sweetest, most adorable little guy and I am SO happy for my sister & her husband Ryan aka "Buzz". They tried for 5 long years to get Hurley and they couldn't be more thrilled! Congrats you guys!! Thanks for letting me part of your special day :)

Proud parents....

Hurley Ryan Raulston

Prego Parents...


Shannon said...

Hey Utahna. Your blog is so cute. I get frustrated cause I can never figure out how to make it look the way I want. Cute Nephew!

Destini said...

How exciting and it's about time. She wasn't my sister but it seemed like she was prego a long time. His adorable.