Thursday, September 11, 2008

Greek Festival...Opa!

Last Saturday evening we went to the annual Greek Festival downtown with Marq & Lynzie. I have never been to the festival but Lynzie is always raving about it and I have wanted to go for several years to get a taste of the Greek culture and of the course, their food! There were a ton of people and we waited in line for quite awhile to get the food but it was a lot of fun and I'm glad we went. The Loukoumades definately made it worth while :) They are these doughnut things with honey & cinnamon...yummo! We all had fun and can't wait until next year! Opa!!

1 comment:

Destini said...

How fun I wanted to go but we never made it down. I think these silly girls hold us back a little more than we think. I hope all the food was good that is the best part.