Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Silly Homer J

Homer J is such a funny little guy and always makes me laugh. The other day I was sitting on the couch and he jumped up and sat on the top of the couch behind me as usual. That's his favorite spot because he can look out the window. I turned around to pet him and noticed something red under his chin on his fur. It was a piece of gummy candy!!! I started laughing and grabbed my camera. After I took a picture I pulled it off his fur and he took it from my hand and ate it! I guess he was just saving it for later...LOL. Silly Homer J :)

1 comment:

Rasmussens said...

LOL! That reminds me of the time my Aunt Shellie took her cat to the vet to have him "fixed". The vet said that they couldn't fix him because she was a girl, although they could cut the gummy bear out of the fur under her tummy. :)