Monday, December 22, 2008

Halona 'Ugly Sweater' Xmas Party

Last Sunday we had my family Christmas party at my dad's house. My brother Mike put himself in charge and chose to do an "Ugly Sweater" party. So we all had to find the ugliest xmas sweater we could find and purchasing the sweaters proved to be the most embarrassing part of all. I remember the look of my cashier wondering if I was serious or not, LOL. It was a lot of fun to see what everyone came up with and in the end, my oldest brother Shane won the prize by wearing a grandma, sparkly, black Christmas vest with a turtleneck. I wore a very adorable mint green sweater with sparkly snowflakes across the front & sleeve, and a built-in turtleneck that was embroidered at the edges. I got John a sweater that had the 'Kansas City' lights on the front AND back. It was truly gross and not too mention it shrunk in the dryer and was a little tight! But he matched my sister Gia's husband, Tim, who had a light blue sweater w/snowflakes that was too small as well! Even my little baby nephew Hurley wore an ugly Mickey mouse sweater with ears but he's so darn cute that it didn't look ugly :) We all had a blast teasing each other, eating mutton stew & frybread, and playing a very funny & somewhat embarrassing game of "Boxers & Briefs". We all laughed until we cried and now we REALLY know what we think of each other...LOL! I love my family and love hanging out with them....even if we do look ridiculous in ugly sweaters :)


Courtney said...

The Ugly Sweater Xmas party! How fun! Those sweaters are so funny!

Rasmussens said...

sounds like fun! Very original!

Tim and Gia said...

And I did you JUSTICE!!! LMAO!! Oh well, it was fun!! I took mine back to Khols the very next day, even with the one Tim stretched out!! HAHAHA! Love it, Love it!